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Living in an uncertain and challenging era, we need to be agile and embrace changes to re-engineer this world.

We know change is hard but essential for progress. This is no small project. That’s why we’re doing it.

Six characteristics of ALPers

To make the industry simpler, smarter and more sustainable, no matter where you from, what you are, an ALPer shall possess these following qualities, in the mission to “Change for better”.


Customer Centric

ALP starts with customer experience and works backwards. From the initial contact to becoming our partner, we want our clients to have a great experience only if we do these steps right. We need to own the subject matter - this aspect of the client's business, and be professional to the point that we are the expert and can help them facilitate to their needs. To do this right, it does not mean we agree will all their requests, but having the ability to explain, educate, and prove that our product offer is the best in the market. The key mindset is to "Sustainably Satisfy Our Client".


Creative Minded

ALP has pride itself in its ability to find ways to create positive work. To be creative could be a new invention or a combination of existing ideas and tools. To be creative also means you need to own the subject matter and be able to find real solutions to the core problems; there will be no short cuts for creativity. We believe in continuously optimizing and looked to fix problems at the source.


Curiosity Driven

We are always asking questions, always reading books, and constantly learning. The more we understand, the more we understand we need to know more. The thirst for knowledge and the ability to acquire knowledge is the fuel for growth and change.


Customer Centric


Creative Minded

ALP has pride itself in its ability to find ways to create positive work. To be creative could be a new invention or a combination of existing ideas and tools. To be creative also means you need to own the subject matter and be able to find real solutions to the core problems; there will be no short cuts for creativity. We believe in continuously optimizing and looked to fix problems at the source.


Curiosity Driven

We are always asking questions, always reading books, and constantly learning. The more we understand, the more we understand we need to know more. The thirst for knowledge and the ability to acquire knowledge is the fuel for growth and change.


Comprehensive in Thought

To do things good and effective, we have to think wholistic. Issues has different sides which represent various angles as well as different participants and viewpoints. We understand different agendas to the issue will lead to crossroads, we pride in our ability to figure issue's priority and the courage to make decisions. The ability to 'understand/own the subject matter', to be 'empathetic to various participants' and the 'willingness to communicate', will be key to allow us to be complete thinkers thus allowing us to be even more creative.


Speedy in Action

Calculate risk rather than over-analyzing problems! When a decision needed to be made, we make it. Bias for action will help us create speed. The key is in our ability to collect, sort, filter and analyze these critical data. All ALPer are expected to get their hands dirty and pay attention details, because we now work in a fast-changing environment. Leaders are expected to challenge decisions, but once its heard and made, all must commit fully.


Simple in Execution

The ability to simplify complex issues to its core elements would be key to comprehension and communication.


Industry Pioneer - Leading from Changing

Started from logistics development, ALP has built a diverse team with multidisciplinary talents from construction management, supply chain solutions and IT systems.

ALP even brought in talents with catering and hospitality skills to provide a better working environment for employees in its logistics parks. Integrated adequate financial resources and visionary talents, ALP has capitalized capabilities to unleash business performance and catalyze the logistics industry. 


More than 45% of ALPer are under the age of 30. In order to build a healthy and flexible startup atmosphere, no matter how young or experienced you are, everyone’s opinion can be heard at ALP.

Lead ALPer to find the direction under the uncertainty

Deliver the brand values and enthusiasm

to the world from ALP and ALPer

Attract, Connect, Empower, and Develop ALPer by enforcing the cultural experience

Support ALP’s business operation and management across the company resources


Build a new life of logistics infrastructure to rewrite the history of the warehouse design in

Leverage the tech-enabled logistics solution to reach the next level of the industry

Utilize the digital technology to integrate and improve the logistic service

Ensure clients success by bridging the gap between ALP’s products and future needs

Behind the Change

Change is hard. Changing the industry is even harder.
What are the stories Behind the Change? What pushes ALPer to get out of our comfort zone and approach work differently?

We need you to change the industry.

We are looking for extraordinary talents that are pushing your boundaries. If you believe in our “Change for Better” value, this is your chance to show the world what you stand for!

Share your CV with us!

Tell us

your request

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